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Top 11 Advanced SEO Practices & Strategies for 2024 Success

Best SEO Strategies and practices in 2024

In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the competition with SEO can either make or break your online presence. As we enter 2024, the SEO world is more dynamic than ever. With constant algorithm updates and evolving user behaviour, advancing your SEO game requires more than basic optimization. It goes beyond just utilising the right keywords or providing compelling content. It’s now time to master the complexities of search engines and use modern techniques to rise above the competition. The landscape is rich in new opportunities, from optimising for voice search to harnessing the power of AI. 

Table of Contents

     Why Does SEO Matters? The Vital Role of SEO in Modern Business

    SEO serves as a bridge, connecting your website to potential customers actively searching for your products or services. By optimising your site for search engines, you increase its exposure and attract high-quality, relevant organic visitors. This boosts conversion rates while also increasing brand trust and credibility. In a nutshell, SEO is about more than just ranking higher in search results; it’s also about providing a smooth user experience, increasing customer engagement, and, ultimately, supporting your long-term business growth.

    11 Advanced SEO Practices & Strategies to Master in 2024

    Staying ahead in the digital marketing world means continuously evolving your SEO strategies. Here are the best seo techniques in 2024 to give your website a competitive edge:

    1. Harnessing the Power of AI and Machine Learning

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionising the way we approach SEO. Tools like Google’s RankBrain assist in understanding user intent, making it critical to provide content relevant to customers’ searches. Using AI, you can analyse massive volumes of data to find trends and patterns that can guide your SEO strategy. Machine learning algorithms can identify future trends, helping you remain ahead of the competition. Furthermore, AI-powered solutions can help with keyword research, optimization, and even automated content creation. Incorporating AI and machine learning into your SEO practices saves time while ensuring your efforts are data-driven and effective.

    • Personalised User Experiences: AI can create customised content and user recommendations based on their past behaviour and preferences.
    • Chatbots for Customer Engagement: Implement AI-driven chatbots to engage users in real-time, providing instant support and improving user satisfaction.
    • Predictive Analytics: Use predictive analytics to forecast traffic patterns, customer behaviour, and the impact of SEO changes, allowing for proactive adjustments.


    MarketMuse: For AI-driven content research and optimization.

    BrightEdge: Provides AI-powered SEO and content performance insights.

    Clearscope: Uses AI to help with keyword research and content optimization.

    2. Optimising for Voice Search

    The development of smart speakers and virtual assistants has increased the popularity of voice search. To optimise for voice search, focus on natural language and conversational keywords. When using voice search, users often ask questions in a conversational tone; thus, including long-tail keywords and question phrases in your content is important. Also, ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as most voice searches are on mobile devices. Creating content that directly responds to common questions will help you rank in voice search results. Voice search optimization enhances both SEO and user experience.

    • Local SEO Synergy: Voice searches often have local intent; ensure your SEO is robust with updated NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) and localised content.
    • Featured Snippets: Aim for featured snippets (position zero), as voice assistants often pull answers from these snippets.


    AnswerThePublic: Find natural language questions users are asking.

    Google’s Keyword Planner: Identify long-tail keywords.

    Schema Markup: Use FAQ schema to optimise for voice search.

    3. Advanced Mobile SEO

    With mobile devices contributing to most searches, mobile website optimization is more crucial than ever. Ensure your site is responsive and offers a consistent experience across all devices. Users expect speedy results when using mobile devices, thus prioritising fast loading times. Use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to improve load speeds and user experience. Mobile-first indexing implies that Google ranks and crawls your site primarily based on its mobile version, so make sure your mobile site provides the same excellent content as your desktop version. Advanced mobile SEO allows you to reach a larger audience and increase customer satisfaction.

    • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Implement PWAs to combine the best features of mobile sites and native apps, offering fast, reliable, and engaging user experiences.
    • Touchscreen Usability: Ensure buttons and links are easily clickable on small screens, avoiding hover effects that don’t work on touchscreens.


    Google Mobile-Friendly Test: Check if your site is mobile-friendly.

    PageSpeed Insights: Assess and improve mobile load times.

    AMP Project: Tools and resources for implementing AMP.

    4. Leverage Video Content

    Video content is a powerful tool to engage users and boost your SEO. Videos can captivate attention and convey information in a timely and effective way. To make use of video content, create high-quality videos that provide value to your audience. Optimise your videos for search using relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags. Host your videos on YouTube, the second-largest search engine, to increase visibility. Embedding videos to your website can increase engagement and lower bounce rates. Video transcripts are another way to increase accessibility and add to the content that search engines index. Video content improves user experience, traffic, and rankings.

    • Live Streaming: Engage with your audience in real-time through live streaming on platforms like YouTube and Facebook, which can increase interaction and retention.
    • Video SEO: Optimise video sitemaps, provide captions, and create custom thumbnails to improve video discoverability and engagement.


    YouTube Studio: Optimise your videos for search.

    VidIQ: Provides SEO insights for video content.

    Wistia: This is for hosting and analysing video performance.

    Enhance User Experience

    5. Enhance User Experience

    User experience (UX) is extremely significant in SEO. Google’s algorithms prioritise websites that offer a favourable user experience. To improve UX, focus on site performance, mobile optimization, and easy navigation. Ensure that your website is visually appealing and that vital content is easily accessible. To guide people around your site, utilise clear call-to-action buttons and an intuitive design. More importantly, reduce clutter and avoid intrusive pop-ups that might irritate users. Improving UX boosts user pleasure, reduces bounce rates, and encourages longer stays, contributing to higher SEO performance.

    • Core Web Vitals: Focus on Google’s Core Web Vitals metrics (loading, interactivity, and visual stability) to enhance user experience and SEO performance.
    • User Feedback: Collect and analyse user feedback continuously to improve site usability and satisfaction.


    Google Search Console: Monitor Core Web Vitals.

    Hotjar: Analyse user behaviour with heatmaps and recordings.

    Wave: Check and improve site accessibility.

    6. Implementing Schema Markup

    Schema markup, also known as structured data, helps search engines better comprehend the content on your website. By incorporating schema markup into your website, you can provide context for your content, making it easier for search engines to understand and display rich snippets in search results. These rich snippets can include information such as reviews, ratings, event dates, and more, making your search results more attractive and clickable. Use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper or another schema generation tool to apply schema markup. Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to test your markup to avoid mistakes. Implementing schema markup can improve your presence in search results and increase visitors to your website.

    • Voice Search Schema: Implement schema specific to voice search queries to improve your chances of being featured in voice search results.
    • Rich Snippet Diversity: Utilise different types of schema markup (e.g., FAQ, How-to, Product) to enhance various content forms and attract diverse audiences.


    Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper: Create and implement schema markup. Resource for all schema types.

    Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool: Validate your schema markup.

    7. Advanced Link Building Techniques

    Link building remains an important component of SEO, but new approaches go beyond getting backlinks. Concentrate on generating high-quality, relevant links from credible sources. Create valuable content readers want to relate to, such as detailed guidelines, unique research, or engaging infographics. To get backlinks, utilise strategies like influencer collaborations, guest blogging, and broken link building. In addition, make sure that your internal linking structure is strong, directing people and search engines through your site. Advanced link building takes a systematic strategy and consistent effort but can greatly boost your website’s credibility and rating.

    • Digital PR Campaigns: Run digital PR campaigns to gain high-quality backlinks from reputable media outlets and industry sites.
    • Competitor Analysis: Analyse competitor backlinks to identify potential linking opportunities and refine your strategy.


    Ahrefs: Identify backlink opportunities and track link-building efforts.

    BuzzStream: Manage outreach for link building.

    Check My Links: Chrome extension to find broken links.

    8. Regular SEO Audits and Adaptation

    Regular SEO audits are necessary to maintain and improve your search engine performance. Conduct deep audits to identify broken links, duplicate content, and slow website load times. Gather data and insights using tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, and SEMrush. Analysing this data allows you to tailor strategies to solve issues and benefit from new opportunities. Regularly update your content to keep it up-to-date and relevant. SEO is an ongoing process; regular evaluations guarantee your site remains optimised for changing algorithms and user behaviour. Adapting your SEO approach based on audit results lets you stay ahead of the competition.

    • User Behaviour Analysis: Use heatmaps and session recordings to understand user behaviour and identify areas for improvement.
    • Content Gap Analysis: Perform content gap analysis to discover topics your competitors cover but you don’t, filling these gaps to enhance your content strategy.


    SEMrush: Conduct in-depth SEO audits and competitor analysis.

    Screaming Frog: Technical SEO site audits.

    Google Analytics: Monitor site performance and user behaviour.

    9. Focusing on Local SEO

    Businesses that cater to specific geographic areas must prioritise local SEO. Provide accurate and up-to-date data to enhance your listing on Google My Business. Urge satisfied customers by writing positive reviews, as these greatly influence local rankings. Verify that your name, address, and phone number (NAP) are the same across all internet sites. Use meta tags and content using local keywords to attract customers nearby. Participate in local events and interact with the community to build your local backlinks and visibility. Local SEO helps you acquire targeted traffic and improve your exposure in local search results.

    • Local Content Creation: Create locally relevant content, such as blog posts about local events or news, to attract local traffic and improve engagement.
    • Local Business Listings: Ensure your business is listed on local directories and citation sites to boost local visibility and SEO.


    Moz Local: Manage local listings and citations.

    BrightLocal: Track and optimise local SEO performance.

    Yext: Manage and sync business information across directories.

    10. Improving Site Speed and Performance

    Site speed matters greatly to both user experience and SEO. People expect websites to load quickly; slow sites can result in high bounce rates and poor search engine results. Utilise resources like GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights to evaluate the performance of your website and identify areas that need enhancement. To improve load speeds, minimise HTTP requests, use browser caching, and optimise images. Consider leveraging a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute your content more efficiently. Maintaining optimal speed for your website requires regular monitoring and maintenance. Increasing the speed of a website increases traffic, user satisfaction, and search engine rankings.

    • Image Compression: Use modern image formats like WebP and leverage image compression tools to reduce file sizes without sacrificing quality.
    • Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for images and videos to improve initial load times and performance.


    GTmetrix: Analyse and improve site speed.

    Google PageSpeed Insights: Get detailed performance suggestions.

    Cloudflare: Use CDN services to enhance site performance and security.

    11. Prioritizing E-E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and Experience)

    E-E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, now including Experience. Google uses these factors to determine the quality of content. To improve your E-E-A-T, have professionals in the subject produce your content and demonstrate their qualifications. Backlinks from credible sites and mentions of your site in trusted sources can help enhance your authority. Trustworthiness stems from factual, well-researched material, a secure website, and favourable user feedback. Experience emphasises the value of user-generated information, testimonials, and real-world use of products or services. By focusing on E-E-A-T, you improve your SEO and establish credibility with your target audience.

    • Author Bio Pages: Create detailed author bio pages highlighting content creators’ credentials and experience, enhancing credibility.
    • Transparent Business Practices: Showcase transparent business practices, including privacy policies and customer service information, to build trust.
    • Content Updates: Regularly update content to ensure it remains accurate and relevant, demonstrating ongoing expertise and commitment to providing current information.


    LinkedIn: Verify authors’ credentials and expertise.

    Google Scholar: Find authoritative sources to cite.

    Moz: Track backlinks from authoritative sources.

    In 2024, SEO continues evolving quickly, pushing marketers to try new techniques and strategies to stay competitive. Incorporating AI and machine learning can provide fresh insights, enabling more accurate and effective optimisation. Prioritising E-E-A-T guarantees that your content stands out for its quality and credibility while also optimising for voice search, which targets an increasing number of users who rely on smart devices. Mobile SEO is critical as mobile-first indexing becomes the standard, requiring responsive designs with quick load times. Using video content increases not just engagement but also search visibility. Improving user experience with intuitive design and fast performance keeps users on your site longer, which boosts your rankings. Implementing schema markup can improve your content’s discoverability and attractiveness in search results. Advanced link-building techniques like guest blogging and influencer collaborations can help you develop a strong backlink profile. Regular SEO audits provide continual progress by adjusting your strategy to changing algorithms and trends. Local SEO focuses on location searches, which efficiently attract local customers. Increasing site speed and performance is critical for user satisfaction and search rankings.


    Implementing these 13 advanced SEO practices into your strategy can help you position your website for greater visibility, higher ranks, and long-term success. The digital world constantly evolves, and remaining active and well-informed is crucial for safeguarding an edge over rivals. Adopt the above strategies to boost your SEO efforts and achieve long-term success. To implement these strategies effectively and stay ahead in SEO for 2024, consider partnering with experts who can tailor these practices to your business needs. Contact TransCurators today to elevate your SEO game and achieve sustainable success in the competitive digital marketplace.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. How can website security impact SEO rankings?

    A1. Secure websites (HTTPS) are favoured by search engines, offering better protection for user data and enhancing trustworthiness, which can positively impact rankings.

    Q2. What are the benefits of using long-tail keywords in SEO?

    A2. Long-tail keywords have less competition and higher conversion rates, as they effectively target specific user intents and niche markets.

    Q3. How does user-generated content (UGC) influence SEO?

    A3. UGC enhances engagement, authenticity, and social proof, improving SEO by increasing user interaction and dwell time on the website.

    Q4. What are the risks of using black hat SEO techniques?

    A4. Black hat techniques violate search engine guidelines and can lead to penalties or bans, damaging site credibility and long-term SEO efforts.

    Q5. How can businesses measure the success of their SEO strategies?

    A5. Key performance indicators (KPIs) like organic traffic, keyword rankings, conversion rates, and engagement metrics help measure SEO effectiveness and inform strategy adjustments.